
Cultural evening „Myras Castle – UNESCO cultural heritage monument: formation of the museum“
Past event2014y.January0125 d.16:00-17:30

The first lecture of the cycle „Vilnius bereavements: photography reveals the history“ (in Lithuanian)
Past event2014y.February0201 d.14:00-15:00

The second lecture of the cycle „Vilnius bereavements: photography reveals the history“ (in Lithuanian)
Past event2014y.February0208 d.16:00-17:00

The third lecture of the cycle „Vilnius bereavements: photography reveals the history“ (in Lithuanian)
Past event2014y.February0215 d.16:00-17:00

Educational workshop „From the books of Dukes“
Past event2014y.February0221 d. - 2014y.February0222 d.

The fourth lecture of the cycle „Vilnius bereavements: photography reveals the history“ (in Lithuanian)
Past event2014y.February0222 d.16:00-17:00

On the 25th of February the Museum will be closed for visitors
Past event2014y.February0225 d.16:00-17:00

Public lectures cycle „Magnificence and pranks in the manors of the European lords“
Past event2014y.February0226 d.18:00 - 2014y.February0227 d.18:00