R. Šmigelskytė-Stukienė, Gintarė Džiaugytė-Burbulienė
Year of release:
20.00 €
Description of the translation:
„Kad Tėvynė gyvuotų. Lietuva ir Lenkija 1791 m. Konstitucijos epochoje“
This catalogue is dedicated to the international exhibition "To keep the homeland. Lithuania and Poland in the epoch of the 1791 Constitution", marking the historical fate of the united Polish and Lithuanian state, the hope for the rebirth of the nation and the state that shone out in the second half of the 18th century, and the tragic outcome, which was determined by the exclusively aggressive intentions and interests of the neighbours. The year 2021 marks the 230th anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of 3 May and the adoption of the Act of Mutual Obligation, or the Act of Mutual Pledge, between the two nations. Each anniversary provides an opportunity and an incentive to take a closer look at the facts of history and to reflect on the meanings, causes and consequences of the events of that time.
ISBN 978-609-8061-75-8