This biographical list consists of the works of one of the most famous and productive historians of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Dr. Mečislovas Jučas. It spans over 57 years and includes books; articles in encyclopedias and serial publications; internet webpages; edited works and reviewed works (including dissertations and master’s theses). Dr. Jučas is a member of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Sciences, recipient of the Simonas Daukantas Prize, Knight of the Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas, and long-time professor of the History Faculty at Vilnius University. This list includes critical works about M. Jučas as well as an introductory article by Prof. Vytautas Merkys, which provides a biographical overview and descriptions of some of the most important research findings of Dr. M. Jučas.
The text is in Lithuanian.
ISBN 978-609-8061-04-8