Dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald
The 18 articles in this catalogue by authors from Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden expand and supplement the historical context of various aspects of the “Great Battle.” The catalogue provides a chronology of the battle; its representation in 15th-20th century art, historiography, and fiction; provides an iconography of Jogaila and Vytautas; discusses the memorial traditions of commemorating the battle and its heroes at the cathedrals of Krakow and Vilnius as well as numerous other insights into the battle and its context. The catalogue contains over 200 illustrations from the 15th-20th centuries from 34 institutions in 9 countries, and descriptions of over 300 artifacts by 37 authors. The artifacts were gathered from 11 institutions and five private collections in Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine.
The catalogue is in Lithuanian. The introductory texts, summaries of the articles, illustration captions, and the basic facts about the objects are also in Polish and English.
ISBN 978-609-95074-8-4