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Early Music Ensemble “Tabulatūra” Concert

Event date: 2022 y.March0319 d.18:00 - 2022 y.March0320 d.19:30 All events
Relevant until 2022-03-20
Huber Henriett (flutes, bagpipes, voice)
Rossa Levente (rebec, quinton, fidel, baroque violin, voice)
Bencze Balázs (lute, kobza, voice)
Buda Ádám (kobza, bagpipes, percussion, voice)
The ensemble was founded in 2000 to present and popularize at concerts and other cultural events the music of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the early Baroque and other periods that were once heard in the historical territory of Hungary. The collective pays particular attention to musical heritage, national traditions and historically based performance. The musicians of the ensemble play authentic instruments with the help of modern orchestrations, and enliven the concert programmes by interweaving elements of archaic Hungarian folk music.
At concerts, the members of the ensemble present to the audience not only ordinary, but also interesting, special musical instruments that help create a special atmosphere and an authentic performance. The ensemble sometimes additionally hires performers for particular programmes. The ensemble has released six CDs.
The members of the ensemble usually play the flutes, bagpipes, violas, baroque violin, cromorne, lyre, lutes, kobza, penorkon, extended citole, baroque and classical guitar, baroque cello and percussion instruments during the concert. The specific set of instruments depends on the programme being performed.
The name of the ensemble refers to a particular way of recording music that predates today’s notation. In the 18th century, lute and organ tablatures were still used. Several tablature sets with church and secular melodies have survived in the territory of historical Hungary. Many of them are included in the repertoire of the ensemble.
Concert partner - Embassy of Hungary
The festival is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture
Published:: 2024-05-08 16:52 Modified: 2024-05-08 16:53
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