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Concert “Magic Baroque: From Dresden to Vilnius”

Event date: 2022y.March0308 d.19:00 - 20:15 All events
Relevant until 2022-03-08
Event of the international exhibition “The Mysticism of Baroque Sculpture: Johann Georg Pinsel and Other 18th-Century Lviv Masters”
Participants: Baroque Orchestra (Lithuania, Latvia)
Programme director Māris Kupčs (harpsichord; Latvia)
Soloist Monta Martinsone (soprano; Latvia)

The programme includes works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Adolph Hasse, Francesco Maria Veracini, Jan Dzismas Zelenka and Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber.

The festival is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Published:: 2024-05-07 12:54
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