1st half of the 17th century
Faience, cobalt glaze
Diameter 34 cm, height 6 cmIn 2000-2001, during excavations at the Palace of the Grand Dukes, archaeologists uncovered fragments of a plate near the former palace kitchen. Extensive research ensued to reconstruct it meticulously. The plate was identified as Portuguese, adorned in a style fashionable during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Wanli (1573-1619). These Chinese-inspired dishes, characterized by their white and blue motifs, captivated Europeans and, despite their high price, were in great demand among the aristocracy of the time.
Portuguese artisans, emulating Chinese techniques, also developed a distinctive style known as aranhões, which flourished between 1635 and 1660. This information helped determine the date of manufacture of the plate discovered.
The first porcelain factory was established in Meissen, Germany, in 1710, on the orders of Augustus II the Strong (1670-1733), Elector of Saxony, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. It was the first porcelain manufacturer to produce porcelain on par with Chinese porcelain.
This Portuguese plate is featured on Route I: 'History, Archaeology, and Architecture'.
Vailionis E. Vilniaus Žemutinės pilies Valdovų rūmų šiaurinio korpuso aplinkos (ties šiauriniu priestatu) 2000 m. archeologinių tyrimų ataskaita (Report of the archaeological investigations of the northern corpus of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Vilnius Lower Castle in 2000 (near the north of extension). Inventory Nos. 1762, 2021, 2197-2199, 2716;
Ožalas E. Vilniaus Žemutinės pilies Valdovų rūmų teritorija. Šiaurinio korpuso ir rūmų vidinio kiemo tyrimai 2001 m. (Territory of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Vilnius Lower Castle. Investigations of the northern wing and the inner courtyard of the palace in 2001). Inventory No. 2972.