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Dr. Vydas Dolinskas will continue to lead the Palace of the Grand Dukes

Dr Vydas Dolinskas, who has been the Director General of the National Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, has won the Ministry of Culture's contest for the position of Director General of the Palace of the Grand Dukes. 

Muziejininkas, istorikas, humanitarinių mokslų daktaras V. Dolinskas muziejui vadovauja nuo 2009 metų. Po konkurso dr. V. Dolinskas teigė: „Labai džiaugiuosi dirbdamas su profesionalia, darnia ir draugiška komanda. Jau daug pasiekėme, bet turime daugiau gražių planų. Mūsų tikslas – lankytojams suteikti estetinį pasigėrėjimą ir galimybę geriau pažinti Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės istoriją bei paveldą. Mūsų vertybės, kuriomis remdamiesi dirbsime, – tęstinumas ir dinamiškumas.“
V. Dolinskas, a museologist, historian and doctor of humanities, has been the head of the Museum since 2009. After the contest, Dr Dolinskas said, "I am very happy to work with a professional, cohesive and friendly team. We have already achieved a lot, but we have more beautiful plans. Our aim is to provide visitors with an aesthetic delight and an opportunity to learn more about the history and heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Our values are continuity and dynamism."
The term of the Head of the Palace of the Grand Dukes is five years.

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Visiting restrictions


From the 15-25th of October, the visit of Route III "Armaments, Everyday Life, Music" at the Palace of the Grand Dukes will be changed due to the exhibition installation works!
From the 15th of October to the 25th of October this year you are welcome to visit the Armaments exhibition free of charge with the purchase of a ticket for any other route.
The Everyday Life and Music exhibitions will be closed.
Also, on the 17th and 24th of October this year, due to the event, visitors will not be able to access part of the 3rd floor of the Museum: the Great Renaissance Menorah, the Sovereign's Suite with the Cabinet and the Entrance Hall.
The rest of the historical representative interiors on the second and third floors and other exhibitions will be accessible as usual.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

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The National Museum—Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania has opened an exhibition about the history and heritage of the Pac family, one of Lithuania's noble dynasties


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Published:: 2024-03-18 09:37 Modified: 2024-03-22 09:39
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