Published: 20240417
Event date: 2024 y.May0530 d.09:00 - 2024 y.May0531 d.18:00 All events
The Lithuanian Institute of History (Vilnius)
National Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania; Vilnius University Faculty of History
The Polish Institute in Vilnius
Format: Hybrid
Conference language: English
Speakers include: Darius Baronas, Olaksandr Fylypchuk, Sebastian Kolditz, Giedrė Mickūnaitė, Ekaterini Mitsiou, Aleksandr Osipian, Jonathan Shepard, Sergejus Temčinas, Constantin Zuckerman.
This international conference aims to bridge a gap in the study of relations between late medieval Byzantium and its neighbours in northern East-Central Europe. Looking at the issue of Byzantium’s political and cultural impact – or otherwise – on these territories (defined as present-day Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine), it considers what kind of interests, interest-groups and beliefs were in play in the interactions between Byzantium and subject populations, elites and overlords in the region.
The conference forms part of “Byzantium and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: the interface between the secular and the ecclesiastical spheres in the 14th–15th centuries”, a project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (Contract No. S-MIP-22-15).
Scientific Committee
Darius Baronas, Jonathan Shepard, Sergejus Temčinas, Constantin Zuckerman
Organising Committee
Darius Baronas, Salvijus Kulevičius, Aurimas Švedas, Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė
Programme (will be announced soon)