The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania together with the Lithuanian Choreographers' Association invites you to get into the rhythm of the galliard and celebrate the Day of Historical Dance by taking part in various events: learn about historical dances in the Braunsberg organ tablature in the lecture of Dr. Alexandra Pister, practice the basic steps of the galliard in the workshop of Edmundas Žička or improve the already known techniques together with Živilė Antanavičienė. The dance festivities will also feature a performance by the historical dance group "Fioretti" from the Jonava Janina Miščiukaitė Art School. Come and spend the afternoon in the rhythm of historical dance!
13.00 Dr Aleksandra Pister. Lecture "Dance - not a disease? The Chorale and other dances of the Braunsberg organ tablature" (In Lithuanian language)
Today's medicine uses the word "chorea" to describe sudden, involuntary, aimless movements resulting from damage to the central nervous system. In the 14th and 17th centuries, the chorea was one of the most popular dances in Europe. However, this dance (Greek: choreia, meaning 'circle', 'dance') was not as innocent as it first appeared. Written records from the Middle Ages onwards mention how groups of people, sometimes thousands at a time, would start dancing and moving until they fainted from exhaustion and sometimes even died. The dancing people seemed unconscious and out of control. The social phenomenon involving crowds was called epidemic chorea, choreomania or simply the dance plague.
Nearly three dozen examples of chorea dance music have been recorded in the Braunsberg Organ Tablature, a 17th-century music manuscript preserved in Lithuania. A large collection of music began to be compiled at the Jesuit College in Braunsberg, one of the most important educational institutions of the time. At any one time, around 300 pupils could study there. The students used to organise dances to enliven their daily routine and to celebrate festivals. Did they turn into uncontrollable outbursts of dancing? The lecture will focus on the chorale and other dances preserved in this musical manuscript.
The event is free of charge, but places are limited, so you are kindly invited to register.
14.30 Performance by the historical dance group "Fioretti" of the Jonava Janina Miščiukaitė Art School
1. Pavana galliarda la Traditora, unknown 16th century composer, Marie- Clair Bär le Corre
2. Leggiadria d'Amore, Fabritio Caroso, Il Ballarino, 1581
3. Galliarda d'Esccosée, unknown 16th century composer, Marie-Clair Bär le Corre
4. Gloria D'Amore, Fabritio Caroso, Il Ballarino, 1581
5. Gagliarda Detta la Lisfeltina Di Santino, Gasparo Zanetti, 1645, Romana Agnel
6. Galliarde, unknown 16th century composer, Marie-Clair Bär le Corre
7. Chiara Stella, Fabritio Caroso, Il Ballarino, 1581
8. Pass'e mezzo ditto il Romano saltarello, Francesco Bendusi, 1553, Marta Joanna Baranowska Yildiz
The event is free of charge, but the number of places is limited, so you are kindly invited to register.
15.00 Galliard for the BEGINNERS (1 hour)
In this workshop you will learn the basic step of the galliard, learn the most popular variations and try to perform their combinations.
The workshop is for beginners and is suitable for ages 12 and up. Participants must provide suitable footwear for dancing.
Lecturer - Edmundas Žička (choreographer, chairman of the Lithuanian Choreographers Association).
The event is free of charge, but the number of places is limited, so you are kindly invited to register.
16.00 Galliard for the EXPERIENCED (1 hour)
During the workshop you will improve your technique of performing the galliard and try to perform more complex combinations of the galliard. You will learn the dance "Pavana galliarda la Traditora" (unknown 16th century composer, choreographed by Marie-Clair Bär le Corre).
The workshop is for advanced students and is suitable for ages 16 and up. Participants must provide suitable footwear for dancing.
Lecturer - Živilė Antanavičienė (director, member of the Lithuanian Choreographers Association)
The event is free of charge, but the number of places is limited, so you are kindly invited to register.