Published: 20240220
Event date: 2024y.March0303 d.18:00 - 19:15 All events
Great Renaissance Hall
Relevant until 2024-03-03
Inés Alonso, soprano
Victoria Cassano, alto
Jorge Losana, tenor and director
Lluís Arratia, bass
Marc de la Linde, viola da gamba
Jeremy Nastasi, vihuela
Cantoría is a young vocal quartet specialising in the performance of vocal polyphony from the Iberian Renaissance. Freshness, youth and proximity have become distinctive features of the performances of this group, which is beginning to build a remarkable national and international career. They connect with audience in a concert format that breaks the fourth wall, explaining the context of the works and the era in a very close way.
Expect fire, devotion, and ultimately, divine redemption in this programme of music from some of the finest historic Spanish songbooks.
The concert is free, but due to the limited number of seats, we invite you to register in advance.
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