We deeply regret to inform you that the Concert of the Tabulatúra - Early Music Ensemble which were planned to be held on the occasion of the National Day of Hungary on 23 October 2021 is cancelled due to COVID-19 travel regulations regarding the artists and the developing uncertain pandemic situation.
Ensemble was founded in 2000. Our objective is to present and make known in concerts, shows and other cultural events medieval, renaissance and early baroque music and other genres of music in connection with Hungarians, ever played in the territory of the historical Hungary. In our concerts we especially deal with the musical memories of our national traditions and historical past, therefore, we most of all play historical instruments and according to faithful contemporary instrumentation. It is especially interesting with early Hungarian music as in that case the archaic elements of today's Hungarian folk music also occur during performances.
Along with the basic instruments, we have had to play some more interesting, special instruments, which also adds to the atmosphere of concerts and the credibility of the performance. We regularly introduce instruments to the audience at our performances. Our ensemble has permanent members and, depending on the individual features of our programmes, several regular participants. The ensemble has 6 cd-s publicated.
The actual instruments are used from the following list depending of the performances. Members of Ensamble are playing Recorders, hurdy-gurdy, rebec, quinton viol, fiddle, baroque violin, cromorne, lyre, lutes, koboz, penorcon,
theorbed cister, baroque and classical guitar, octave spinet, bass-rebec, viola da gamba, baroque violoncello, percussion.
The "tablature" was a way of putting down music preceding today's notation. Lute and organ tablatures were still in use in the 18th century. In the historical Hungary several tablature collections have remained with church and lay melodies. many of these are in the repertoire of the ensemble, and also provide for most of the frequently performed old Hungarian tunes.
Free admission, prior reservation is necessary. The National or European Certificate of COVID is necessarry to enter the concert venue.
Organizer of the Concert - Embassy of Hungary; Partner - National Museum Palace ot The Grand Dukes of Lithuania.